John Greene
4/6/1933 - 6/30/2018

John was born in Winslow Salem on October 5, 1913 and graduate of Atkins High School. John wanted to join the Navy, but mother wouldn't sign so I joined the Army in 1951.
A former Crime Prevention Specialist for 12 years and a reserve deputy with the Sheriff’s Department for seven years. He joined the Sheriff’s Department after servicing 23 years in the Military service.
John Green is a veteran of two wars, Korea and Vietnam and completed two tours of duty as a combat infantry man in Korea with the 2nd Infantry Division 23rd Regiment, Company C of the U.S. Army.
He was a rifleman and also served two tours of duty in Vietnamese in the 5th ARVN, 7th Regiment, MACV (military adviser) in which his mission was to go into villages and train Vietnamese civilians to become soldiers and take them into combat. John is a decorated with two Army Commendation Medals, Bronze Star, and the Vietnamese Honor of Medal for outstanding achievements and two Combat Infantry Badges.
The latter badge is awarded only to veterans of two different wars in different countries. He has received numerous other awards. At 18, he fought in the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge in Korea. Only 90 soldiers served out of a battalion of 800 men, but the hill was taken by American and French troops attached to U.S. Troops. John’s military career has taken him to Japan, German, China, the Philippines and to Hawaii (for basic training at HITC). He has served as a 1st sergeant all the way to managing an Army Gold course.
He is proud to have been among the first U.S. Army drill instructors, a program adopted from the Marine Corps. “I was a mean DI”, laughs John. “I am proud to have served for my country in Korea and Vietnam”. I have maintained many friendships from the war.
My third son is named after a friend killed in the Korean Conflict.” John is married, and has seven children and many grandchildren.
John has been a member of the San Diego Chapter Buffalo Soldiers since 2011.